Nix - A love-hate relationship

I've been pretty vocal in the past about Nix, and how much I liked it. I've used Nix to configure everything from software projects' compilers and toolchains to my dotfiles and entire servers. Configuring everything declaratively and having stuff just magically ✨ work ✨ is a very nice thing. However... As time has gone on, I just find myself getting less and less happy with the state of it.

What does Nix do?

Nix is three things, as described by Blackglasses of TheAltF4Stream; The Declarative Trinity - showing that Nix is an operating system, a language, and a package manager, but each of those things are not the other

Blackglasses actually has a pretty good ELI5 video over on YouTube, too.

Nix allows you to declaratively configure things and build and install packages reproducibly so that you get very close to software running & being built exactly the same way across multiple computers, and sometimes across multiple platforms, too.

It's a very powerful tool to add to your belt, because it allows you to build anything you can set up with a shell script as a package and have it work the same way everywhere. It's especially useful in some more high-stakes use cases such as the Lattice framework being built by Anduril Industries, where the software deployed to their devices needs to be verifiably identical between serial numbers, regardless of whether it's for compliance with defence standards or for quality control purposes.

Building packages with Nix is pretty simple, too:

{ stdenv, ... }:
stdenv.mkDerivation {
  name = "haydens-bins";
  version = "unstable";
  src = ./bin;
  installPhase = ''
    mkdir -p $out/bin
    cp * $out/bin
    chmod +x $out/bin/*

That code block is how I set up my little utility scripts bundle in my old Nix dotfiles.

The output of this is a folder in /nix/store that contains all of the contents of the ./bin directory, all marked as executable with chmod +x, which can then be put into my PATH variable in my shell init file. Very useful stuff.

Why is Nix cool?

Some of the extra cool stuff with Nix comes in when you start looking at tools beyond just package management. Things like NixOS, home-manager, and nix-darwin. They take the declarative package generation abilities of Nix, and manage to apply them to configuring an entire OS (or user environment in the case of home-manager).

Take this piece of config from NixOS for example:

# Phoebe - My home server
{ pkgs, ... }:
  gh-mirror = pkgs.callPackage ../../../pkgs/gh-mirror.nix {};
  environment.systemPackages = [ gh-mirror ];

  systemd.timers."gh-mirror" = {
    wantedBy = [ "" ];
    timerConfig = {
      OnBootSec = "5m";
      OnUnitActiveSec = "5m";
      Unit = "gh-mirror.service";
  };"gh-mirror" = {
    script = ''
      set -eu
      ${gh-mirror}/bin/gh-mirror hbjydev
    serviceConfig = {
      Type = "oneshot";
      User = "hayden";

In this block (also taken from my config), we're building my little gh-mirror script, adding it to the system-level PATH (by placing it in environment.systemPackages), creating a SystemD service and timer for it that runs as my user (hayden) every five minutes.

The end result of this is that when I rebuild my NixOS config on my server, it creates a package for systemd configs which generates what, on any other system, would be inside /etc/systemd/system, as a Nix package, including the gh-mirror.service and gh-mirror.timer, with a little script to run gh-mirror against my hbjydev GitHub user. It then keeps track of everything that was rebuilt in my config and creates symlinks where necessary so that software like SystemD can use them. All-in-all, it means I have one configuration that declares how my server should run, what it should run, and when it should run it, in a neat syntax.

I shouldn't need to explain much why this is really cool if you're a sysadmin or similar, but largely it boils down to the fact that it makes my system config itself reproducible. I can deploy that config above to as many systems as I want, and it will work exactly the same way on all of them.

Where does Nix fall over

So I've explained what Nix is, what it does, why it's cool, and why I like it. However, it's time to get into why I don't like Nix, and why I've ultimately decided to drop it.

Nix does a lot of stuff that's really nice. However, it also throws a lot of how Linux works to the wind in favour of The Nix Way™. For example, because it puts everything in /nix/store, unless you run them through Nix, software like pkg-config and ld just simply won't work properly, because Nix doesn't care about the Linux FHS (Filesystem Hierarchy System).

Normally, things like dynamic libraries (*.so files) are supposed to live in /lib, /usr/lib and /usr/share/lib. This is so that every program has a standard place to look to find whatever kind of file it needs without needing to do lots of searching around the system. This is pretty much how all software on Linux works, with exception for statically-linked binaries, but those are a whole other can of worms that I'm not going to get into here. Baeldung have a good post explaining this if you're interested.

Because /nix/store says 'screw you' to FHS, it has to change how software built with it find their libraries. This means that (especially on NixOS, which only uses Nix for its software) any dynamically-linked binaries (including things you might need like the OpenShift development toolkit) just will not work, and in the worst case, cannot be made to work either.

Nix also has one big package repository, nixpkgs, which is (according to Repology) the largest package repository in the Linux ecosystem.

A graph showing package repository sizes, showing nixpkgs unstable as having the most (and newest/freshest) package set of all repositories Repology are aware of

That's great! But the problem with it is that it works by doing 'atomic' updates. This means that you can't update just one package like you can on other distributions, you have to update the entire system in one go unless you're willing to jump through several hoops and get deep into the documentation to find things like specialArgs or overlays.

A lot of people say this is a big benefit of Nix/NixOS, but as a former sysadmin who's had his fair share of horribly broken systems post-update, this isn't something I'm comfortable with. I'm not going to suggest that atomicity is inherently bad, it's just not something I personally like.

All in all, Nix just has... growing pains that I kept hitting, and eventually it just got too frustrating to be worth the effort I'd been putting in to maintain my configurations and software installations.

What do I do now?

So now you know why I do and don't like Nix, you might wonder what I do now.

While I can't keep declaratively configuring everything, I can get somewhat close to it by using a combination of Chezmoi to manage my dotfiles, and Homebrew (yes, even on Linux) to manage the software I have installed on my systems. It's not perfect, but it gives me far more freedom to screw around with new software and tooling that I couldn't do under Nix.

I hope this post hasn't turned into just a really long-winded rant, I just wanted to bring attention to some of the issues I had and explain some of it for people who might be unaware or want to know why I dislike it nowadays.

Thanks for reading along, I hope you enjoyed this post somewhat. If you did, maybe consider following me on Bluesky, and if you're feeling generous, maybe consider buying me a coffee. I'm trying to write more this year, so I'll see you in the next post. 👋